I spent the past 36 hours in my pajamas. lying in my bed, watching marathon series on Netflix, and bad movies, it was great. I rarely ever do that, but boy did I need it.
Sleep, what a beautiful thing.
I spent part of these past couple of days post Christmas thinking about things, alone with my thoughts in my cozy apartment I plowed through old photos of the past year. sometimes I need to do that to see all of the things that I did, and see the good in some of the year, because let me tell you, this past year was HARD. Probably one of the worst years I've ever had in my life. I saw some of the darkest days, soul crushing sadness, and pain I thought I'd never come out of, but did. I have to look at those photos to remind myself that there were beautiful happy things in there too, and to remember that.
I produced a ton of work and busted my tail to do it. The shop went through so many changes this year. I closed for a few months to re-organize, paint and re-open with friends sharing my space with me. That didn't work out so well. one of my friends got really sick and had to move out and the other one had to get a real job. Doing art for a living and supporting kids on an Artist paycheck is a tough road. But it's one I choose to accept, and I work long days in order to do it. I did many things this year from decorating cabins and making custom paintings for my friends resort up north, to picking up a design client friend here in town and doing custom pillows and paintings for her home in addition to running my own shop by myself.
I think some of my best works this year were born out of pushing myself to the limits. I know that I also tapped into some of the darkest places in my mind and I'm lucky I have Art as a way of getting those feeling out, I'm also lucky I had music. Music saved me. I listen to it all the time, preferring that over the silence. So instead of dwelling on this past year, that I am happy to leave behind in favor of a new bright and shiny year full of promise....(longest sentence EVER!) :) ........I'll leave you with a retrospective of what I produced this year. Sometimes looking at old works inspires me, maybe it will inspire you too. who knows.
I just put it out there for whomever is interested. Thanks for taking a look, and thanks for being here, it means a lot to me truly. I may not comment or reply, because sometimes I get paralyzed with those things, weird I know, but I do care about the fact that you took the time to come here and send me a note. please know that.
These last couple of photos are my greatest works of Art, My children. who continue to inspire, challenge and give me the greatest joys my heart can take.